
Message from the Registrar

Syed Nasir Ali Mirza

Registrar, HANDS IDS

Greetings and a warm welcome to the HANDS Institute of Development Studies!

At the HANDS IDS, we center our educational approach around you, the student. Our dedicated faculty and staff are committed to fostering an environment that challenges you to elevate both your academic endeavors and co-curricular activities to levels of excellence. I am confident that your journey here will be filled with learning opportunities, both within and beyond the classroom, inspiring the development of knowledge and resilience to confront life’s challenges. Our primary goal is to support you in your academic pursuits and ensure your success in earning your graduate degree.

During your stay at the HANDS IDS, you can expect to engage in small group learning experiences that go beyond the conventional, broadening your understanding of business and development studies, diverse cultures, and global perspectives. We encourage your active participation in social, community, and professional activities, providing you with new avenues for life-long learning.

Our campus offers a vibrant atmosphere with numerous recreational activities that make it an exceptional place to be. Regular lectures and guest speaker sessions are readily available to enrich your intellectual pursuits. Whether you choose to attend or participate in athletics throughout the year, HANDS IDS offers everything you anticipate from your institute experience and much more.

The faculty and staff at the HANDS IDS are dedicated to providing exceptional attention and support to all students, equipping them with the necessary tools for their future success. I invite you to join us at HANDS IDS and apply these tools to construct a rich and fulfilling life.