
A brief on HANDS Pakistan

The Health And Nutrition Project of the Pediatrics Department Civil Hospital Karachi was started in 1979 by a volunteer group of junior doctors led by Professor Abdul Gaffar Billoo (Former dean of medicine and head of the pediatric department at Dow Medical College and Civil Hospital Karachi). They established a Primary Health Care model in 5 villages of Rural Karachi. After a decade in 1993, the project became a small organization named the Health And Nutrition Development Society (HANDS). Soon after formal registration HANDS expanded horizontally geographically and has grown vertically into other sectors besides health, such as education, Livelihood, Water sanitation, housing and allied facilities. Considering the country is declared disaster prone, the organization initiated Disaster management as well.

With a renewed vision of “Quality of Life for All,” HANDS is one of Pakistan’s largest not-for-profit organizations, registered under the Societies Act XXI of 1860. It is certified by the Pakistan Center for Philanthropy (PCP), Economic Affairs Division (EAD) and enjoys a tax-exemption status by the Federal Board of Revenue Government of Pakistan.

In the fiscal year 2022-2023, HANDS secured diverse funding, with 60% of funding from National and International donors like the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, UKAID (FCDO), USAID, IOM,  UNICEF, WFP and 24 other partners, to whom it is highly indebted. 24% from Public Sector Institutions, Sindh, Punjab, KP and the Federal government. 04% from corporate social responsibility, 5% from individual philanthropy, and 07% from HANDS’ own entrepreneurs.

Strategic alignment with the Sustainable Development Goals: People, Planet, Prosperity, Peace, and Partnerships underscores HANDS’ commitment, and its development approaches prioritize inclusivity, universality, integration, climate-friendliness, local focus, and technology-driven solutions.

Recognizing the need for skilled human resources in the social development sector, HANDS leadership established the HANDS Institute of Development Studies. HANDS’ evidence-based interventions, supported by stakeholders, aim to scale impact. As HANDS strive for courage and capabilities, its ultimate goal remains serving humanity.